About us

The Neurology Academy

Expert training in neurology

Neurology Academy is an innovative education provider for clinicians, specialist nurses and professions allied to medicine. The training programme focuses on both disease management and service transformation. Each priority condition is led by an Academic Faculty of practicing clinicians who operate within a separate disease focussed Academy.

Delivering uniquely practical education to produce specialist clinical leaders and transform local healthcare



Academies set up


Events delivered


Attendees educated


Years of education

Course attendees improve their own understanding in management of the condition as well as working towards improvements in their own local services through audit, data, education and networking.

Current Academy priorities are:

Each MasterClass to date has recruited an optimal number of participants to enable intensive training and support for each participant. Graduates form an alumni who receive further updates and support to help service change. The educational style of the Neurology Academy has been commended by the Department of Health in England and by Parkinson’s UK for providing unique clinical skills enhancement and promoting service development.

We work with primary and secondary care NHS organisations at all levels, local authorities, charities, and both NHS and independent providers and we are in partnership with industry to support some elements of course delivery.

Service transformation

Health and social care services in the UK are constantly changing and the Academy keeps pace with the changes by working at all levels: NHS hospital trusts, CCG’s, Local Authority, Independent providers, charities and the voluntary sector. Partnerships with life science organisations and charities support some element of course delivery.

98% of course members have undertaken and completed the inter-module service audit required within the course programme. 75% of these graduates have gone on to develop specialised services of their own.

You can find examples of these projects and audits on our website here:

Our academic faculty and speakers are nationally and internationally recognised for their specific expertise providing delegates with training to their individual educational needs.

Our comprehensive pre-course assessment provides a detailed analysis of the delegates’ training and skills as well as identifying their personal learning objectives for the course, so the MasterClass can be truly tailored to their needs. The MasterClass programme is not a standard course; it meets the individual educational needs of each group.

Our mission

Neurology Academy: delivering uniquely practical education to produce specialist clinical leaders and transform local healthcare.

MasterClass feedback

“Excellent course with eminent faculty. Lots of interaction. Balance between clinical and service development training”

“Thanks for all your hard work – it will undoubtedly make a difference to the lives of patients”

“Probably the best and most clinically relevant course I have ever attended. Well run and excellent speakers throughout the whole course.”

Proud finalists of the HSJ Partnership Awards

Neurology Academy, a finalist in the Best Educational Programme category, felt immensely proud to be shortlisted and were thrilled to see the range of innovative partnerships represented. Our entry for the HSJ Partnership Award was ‘Addressing variation in MS services nationally through clinical engagement and collaboration’.

More about us

Our team

Meet and contact the organisational team of Neurology Academy.

Our team

Our speakers

Neurology Academy draws on experts from a range of disciplines. Get to know about the speakers who you'll be meeting at our events.

Our speakers

How our courses work

Neurology Academy courses are unique to any other form of specialist medical training because of the way we approach learning.

How our courses work

Supporting the Academy

Find out more about supporting the academy through sponsorship, endorsement and professional, academic contribution.

Supporting the academy