Epilepsy Academy
Optimised education, compassionate care
Epilepsy Academy seeks to raise awareness of epilepsy, equipping professionals to deliver compassionate, holistic care that transforms people's lives.
Epilepsy Bitesize
We are offering open access education across a range of topics from pregnancy in epilepsy to lived experiences, service planning to medication management. Find out more.
Find out moreEpilepsy is a very individual condition but for each person it can affect their lives in myriad ways. Epilepsy Academy wants to provide education that can both raise awareness of epilepsy and increase understanding of the complex ways it impacts lives - ultimately leading to compassionate care and improved outcomes for people with epilepsy.
People with epilepsy have told us that often the reality of epilepsy is not understood. This Academy is working closely with people with epilepsy and the voluntary sector to ensure we bring their experiences and priorities into our education, helping healthcare professionals to see the person behind the diagnosis and the life behind the treatment.
Understanding the pathophysiology of a condition is very different to knowing how to establish a service model, which is different again to understanding the activities of a persons' life that are affected by their epilepsy. Epilepsy Academy seeks to provide in-depth, practical understanding across a broad range of themes to ultimately transform care.
Our course format and learning style create an entirely transferable model which can be replicated for any disease area, whilst each courses' content is entirely unique. Our MasterClasses bring together a wide range of practitioners with varying skillsets and specialisms and our content is tailored to individual learning needs through a modular system.
Forthcoming Epilepsy Academy MasterClasses and events...
Raising awareness, increasing compassion, improving outcomes.
Epilepsy is a condition which has featured in a number of Neurology Academy's cross-educational sessions such as neuropharmacy, neurology network managers, and others, but until now, it has not had a dedicated educational space of its own.
This August, however, we are launching an entirely open-access educational programme bringing together epilepsy-focussed sessions from across other courses and platforms.
said Sarah Gillett, Managing Director of Neurology Academy
'We have this content, created by brilliant specialists - why not make it more widely available? The more we can do to raise awareness, and to enable healthcare professionals to provide the best possible care and support, the better.'
The content, which will be made freely accessible to anyone with an NHS email address will be online for a six month period, whilst new content may be added during the same period.
Beginning with sessions covering what epilepsy is, and its diagnosis and treatment, other sessions will look at supporting epilepsy in women including during pregnancy, sharing people's personal experiences of living with epilepsy, and practical examples of epilepsy service optimisation during the pandemic.
Epilepsy Academy
News and articles
Purple Day!
It's Purple Day! We've been talking to Claire Bishop about her experiences as a mother of five, where two of her children have epilepsy, and she has explained how no two seizures are the same. We're challenging ourselves - and would like to challenge you - to increase our understanding of epilepsy a little, so we can support people like Claire better.

Academy and faculty leaders
We are led and supported by experts with a variety of backgrounds across a range of disciplines. By bringing different passions to the Academy, they ensure we maintain a high quality of content and information across a diverse field of knowledge.