11 matching profiles


Our Faculty members are experts in their chosen condition and have often – although not always – been involved with an Academy as a delegate and speaker as well. They often speak at courses, events and webinars, but have additional input into the direction and content of their Academy's educational vision, including providing advice and support around MasterClass programme content.

Dr Richard Davenport Consultant neurologist
Joela Mathews Highly specialist pharmacist – neurosciences lead
Julie Riley Retired deputy director of strategy
Dr Shona Scott Consultant neurologist


Our speakers are experts in their fields or those with specific experience of a particular topic. They may present at a MasterClass, webinar, or other events and courses, or may deliver a videocast. Many of our speakers are MasterClass alumni, further developing both a clinical network and the Academy's collegiate feel.

Prof Simona Balestrini Associate professor of child neurology and psychiatry
Kasam Parkar Founder, The Voice For Epilepsy
Prof Guido Rubboli Clinical professor of clinical epileptology
Prof Sanjay Sisodiya Professor of neurology & honorary consultant neurologist
Prof Eugen Trinka Professor and chair of the department of neurology