Abstract submission – National Neurology Transformation Meeting 2025

Call for abstracts:

We invite meeting attendees to showcase their work dedicated to service development and transformation, particularly at the whole integrated care system level. Please submit your abstract in one of the main categories and stand a chance to present your work to a national audience.

Attendees interested in submitting an abstract for the National Neurology Transformation Meeting are encouraged to focus on the following areas related to service transformation:

  1. Translating insights from system data into practice
  2. Improving acute and liaison neurology services
  3. Addressing inequalities in neurological care
  4. Partnership working with the voluntary, sector
  5. Improving community neurology services
  6. Providing specialised neurology care closer to home

Abstracts should be structured to highlight:

  • The background / context of the project
  • The problem being addressed
  • The intervention(s)
  • Evaluation & impact

Abstract submission

All participants are offered the opportunity to prepare an abstract (maximum 300 words, e.g. in a Word document, PDF or pasted directly into our submission form). There are a limited number of spaces available for physical poster presentations during the meeting, and the faculty will review all submissions. Those not selected for in-person presentation will have the opportunity to present virtually in our e-poster area and online.


Abstracts will be reviewed regularly, and we expect authors will be notified of the outcome on their submission within 1 month from the date of submission.

  • Abstract submission deadline: 1st January 2025
  • Poster submission deadline: 20th January 2025
  • Meeting: 29th January 2025


Posters must be A1 size. Those presenting posters at the meeting can request the Academy to print their posters at no cost. The Academy can provide assistance and a poster template, please don’t hesitate to contact the events team.


Submissions selected by the faculty for poster presentation at the meeting will be invited to do so during the breaks, next to their poster.

If you have any questions about this meeting or would like more information please contact: events@neurologyacademy.org

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