Getting to know your GIRFT lead
KnowledgeGetting it Right First Time exists to tackle unwarranted variance in order to improve quality of care and enable efficiencies. Their way of doing this is through detailed examination of datasets.
As we move towards Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) this April, it is essential that we have the right people in the room to plan and design services - and that must include specialist clinicians.
The expert group consulted with in our new report, 'NHS Reset and Reform' highlighted, that:
(p15, NHS Reset and Reform', 2021)
Finding out who your local GIRFT lead is could be a positive way of shedding light on services and support - as captured by data - which can in turn be a helpful way of working out what questions need asking of local services. England has been split into regions (see map) as documented on the GIRFT website.
Map of the GIRFT regions - taken from (follow link to view full image and access region names.)
The Neurology workstream led by Dr Geraint Fuller, published a report in September 2019, and is expected to produce another report imminently.
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