Module 6 - the importance of service user engagement

12 Mar 2021

Module 6 of your virtual MCI course is now available. Addressing public involvement, the different forms it can take, and what it really means, the session forms an essential part of your preparation for a local quality improvement project.

This module follows a slightly different format to the others, with two distinct halves and both involving discussion around the subject.

In the first half of the module, Dr Sarah Fox, current Atlantic Fellow with Brain Health Institute, hosts an interview with Gaynah Butler, project manager with Dementia United as they discuss the what, when, why and how of service user engagement and involvement.

In the second half of the session Gaynah Butler hosts a panel discussion with a range of experts: Anne-Marie Jones from Age UK in Trafford, Jaz Kenyon who is living with a diagnosis of MCI, and Marina Nixon, a commissioner from Greater Manchester. All have been involved in various local projects where service user involvement is core to the work, and share important insights into their experiences.

Promoting prevention, supporting management

Led by proactive clinicians determined to see improvement in the way we prevent, diagnose and manage dementias, Dementia Academy supports healthcare professionals with the latest tools, resources and courses to do just that.