Register for our virtual Mild Cognitive Impairment Course
NewsWe have just launched our first ever Mild Cognitive Impairment Course. This fully virtual course comprises 7 modules and a quality improvement project in your own locality.
The modules, presented by Dr Ross Dunne, lead Faculty member at Dementia Academy, contain two expert interviews from key individuals in the dementia community from around the globe.
Supported by wider reading and resources, the modules take delegates on a journey from understanding MCI, what it is and is not, through detection, current care pathways, future service models, and into the prevention agenda, with a consistent focus on the practical and with a view to equipping delegates to complete a quality improvement project at a local, integrated level.
Who is this course for?
Developed for Greater Manchester, this course is relevant and useful to anyone involved in the provision or development of services for those with mild memory impairment. This might include GPs, commissioners, community psychiatric team nurses or managers, later life consultant psychiatrists and trainees, geriatricians and trainees, and those involved in third sector organisations.
What is this course for?
The aim of the webinar series is to equip people with the knowledge and motivation to carry out a service improvement project. Therefore, the focus will be on service quality improvement. Participants will have access to seminar 1 before agreeing to carrying out a QI project in their service. They will then have access to the rest of the webinar series and be invited to present their project plan at a live webinar in early 2021.
There are currently no NICE guidelines for mild cognitive impairment (MCI). As a result, opinion is very divided on how and if it should be diagnosed and what the after care should be if someone does receive a diagnosis. This uncertainty leads to inequality of care across Greater Manchester.
People with MCI and those close to them will be concerned that they may develop dementia and currently in many areas there is a lack of a structured approach to support and help them plan ahead and self-manage the symptoms of their MCI. It is hoped through MCI consensus training that professionals will feel more empowered about how to advise their patients with MCI; who in turn will feel more reassured in proactive measures they can take to possibly prevent dementia and plan ahead should they go on to develop dementia.
Find out more: Expert consensus published on Mild Cognitive Impairment

This activity has been supported by sponsorship from Dementia United. The sponsor has had no control over the educational content of this activity.
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Promoting prevention, supporting management
Led by proactive clinicians determined to see improvement in the way we prevent, diagnose and manage dementias, Dementia Academy supports healthcare professionals with the latest tools, resources and courses to do just that.