
Adele Owen
Adele Owen is the Tactical Mental Health Lead for Greater Manchester Police and has almost twenty years of policing experience at an operational and force level, the majority in the field of child and adult safeguarding. She is currently working within the Public Service Reform arena.
Adele has written the GMP Force Mental Health Policy and continues to be consulted on national police guidance. She has spoken at regional and national conferences, on local radio and has attended local universities as a Guest Lecturer. She has also written articles for the Magistrates Journal and Crisis Care Concordat blog posts. She sits on the Greater Manchester Suicide Prevention Executive, the Greater Manchester Crisis Care Concordat Working Group and is involved with the mental health plans of the Manchester Devolution.
Adele is currently involved in the expert reference group run by the National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health and The Royal College of Psychiatrists developing standards as part of the Achieving Better Access to Crisis Care Services project.
In addition to her police operational perspective, she is also very interested in how colleagues within GMP are supported when affected by mental ill health and she fully supports the MIND Blue Light Programme. After completing an MMU Fellowship on this topic last year she has developed an internal Mental Health Peer Support Network within Greater Manchester Police the first of its kind in UK policing- and she has just been awarded a Churchill Travel Research Fellowship by the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust to research peer support in policing further.
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