Ann Yates

Director of continence services
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Ann qualified in 1989 and has been in her current role as the Director of Continence for C&V UHB for over 20 years. Strategic lead of an integrated continence service which has been highlighted as one of the most innovative in Wales winning and shortlisted for numerous awards locally and nationally. Ann was a finalist in the RCN Wales Nurse of the Year Awards 2017.

Past positions include Chair of the Association for Continence Advice (Wales) committee and member of their National Executive and the Education Committee for 6 years. She now chairs the All Wales Continence Forum and All Wales Bowel Forum which develop national policies/guidelines for Wales and acts as an advisory group to the Welsh Government. She is Chair of the National Unplanned Admission Consensus Committee and also sits on numerous national committees and advisory groups including the Public Health Wales national key standards committee for UTIs. She has completed two secondments to the Welsh Government for continence care and advises on many national guidelines related to continence including as a NICE reviewer.

She has published over 60 articles in national journals in recent years. She has also contributed and supported a number of research articles and sits on many consensus working groups. She has presented many of these innovative projects at national conferences. Her recent work includes all Wales learning programs and education for university students and care homes. She is a contributor to the published MS Consensus document and pathway and a member of the BE Bladder Aware in MS working party. Her collaborative work with her local MS team 15 years ago meant they had established the only MS Bladder and Bowel Nurse in the UK.

Ann Yates is a contributor to the following academies