Bernie Corr
Bernie is a Candidate Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Motor Neurone Disease in Beaumont Hospital. She joined Prof. Hardiman’s MND service in 1996 resulting in her total immersion in this challenging area of nursing. As a member of an extensive Multidisciplinary team, Bernie has played a key role in developing an inpatient and a National outreach and consultancy service at an advance level. She was awarded The HRB Junior Clinician Scientific Award, resulting in my MSc in Nursing. Bernie has provided a consultancy service to the Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association, and has held the position of Chairperson from 2002-2005. Bernie has a specific interest in the management of MND/ALS, End-of-Life Care, and Advance Care planning.
On Demand Events
Bernedette Corr spoke at these On Demand events...