
Briony Sloper
Briony Sloper has been working with the London Ambulance Service in the role of Deputy Director of Nursing, and Quality since October 2014. She has specific responsibility for patient experience and engagement, frequent callers, end of life care and mental health whilst supporting the wider quality agenda and the ongoing development of the role of nursing across the Trust.
Briony qualified as a nurse in 1989 specialising in hepato-biliary surgery, high dependency care and liver transplantation. She spent ten years as the Head of Trauma, Emergency and Urgent Care at King’s College Hospital NHS Trust responsible for the the operational management of the Emergency Department, the Major Trauma Centre and the South East Coast Kent and Medway Major Trauma Network.
Briony has worked consistently in complex, multi-faceted roles which encompass both an internal and external focus responsible for both operational and performance management alongside stakeholder engagement and strategic development.
She has extensive experience of working strategically at local, regional and national levels and has a particular interest and skill set in leading service improvement, partnership working and the development of innovative service delivery models.
Briony Sloper is a contributor to the following academies