
Christine Hyde
Christine is a Specialist Physiotherapist, graduating from Manchester University in 1999. She has specialised within stroke and neurological rehabilitation across inpatient and community pathways for over 20 years, and currently holds 2 posts:
- Clinical Lead within Greater Manchester Neurorehabilitation and Stroke Delivery Network, providing leadership and clinical support within the field, including development of service models and performance outcome frameworks, alongside pathway development. Specific workstream projects have included inpatient to community pathway, Longer Term Support, Spasticity Management, FND clinical toolkit and Vestibular Rehabilitation.
- Service Lead for Stockport Community Neurorehabilitation Service, an Integrated Neurorehabilitation and Stroke service, facilitating transformation of the service from team infancy in 2018, supporting pathway and process development alongside governance, culminating in the team achieving ‘Clinical Team of the Year’ in 2023 in the Trust ‘Making a Difference Awards’.
Throughout her career, Christine has been committed to enhancing patient care, with a focus on service development through collaboration, engagement, and empowerment to drive improved access, equity and quality of patient care.