Christine Longinotti

Highly specialist clinical psychologist
Central London community healthcare NHS trust

Dr Christine Longinotti qualified as a clinical psychologist in 2015. Over the past 8 years, she has worked in specialist neuropsychology services across London, encompassing both inpatient and outpatient services. She joined the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in 2017 and led on the cognitive stream of the neuropsychology MS service for 2 years. She was a guideline development workgroup committee member for the BPS guidance for psychological interventions for people living with MS. She has also contributed to psychology-related publications and presentations for both people living with MS and allied health professionals. She currently works as the primary highly specialist clinical psychologist for a community neuro-rehabilitation team, and as part of an inpatient unit for people receiving rehabilitation for neurological conditions. Her clinical work involves assessment and treatment of mood difficulties, and neuropsychological assessment and cognitive rehabilitation for individuals living with neurological and long-term health conditions.