
Dr Conor Maguire
Dr Conor Maguire MD DME FRCPI FRCPEdin is a consultant physician in geriatric and general medicine at the Western General Hospital, Edinburgh.
Dr Maguire obtained his medical qualification from University College Dublin. He did his initial postgraduate training and research in Dublin, with a subspecialty and research interest in Parkinson’s disease and cognitive dysfunction. He was awarded an MD from Trinity College Dublin for a thesis on Neurobiological Markers of Dementia.
He moved to Bristol where was the lecturer in Care of the Elderly at the University of Bristol before moving to Edinburgh to take up his present post as a Consultant in Edinburgh. Since his appointment, he has developed a multidisciplinary service for older people with Parkinson’s in Edinburgh and the Lothians.
He is chairman of the Lothian Parkinson’s Service Advisory Group, the local Stakeholder Group. He is the vice president (International) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.
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