Dr Katarina Rukavina
Dr Katarina Rukavina is a Neurologist and Movement Disorders PhD Clinical Research Fellow to Professor K Ray Chaudhuri at the Parkinson Foundation Centre of Excellence at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London. Katarina’s foremost research interest lies in exploring clinical and mechanistic aspects of pain in People with Parkinson’s (Parkinson's disease , PD) specifically the translational concept. She is coordinating the Kings Parkinson's Pain Translational Programme (KiPTraP) and also collaborating in a EU funded project (ToBeatPain). Working jointly with Dr Kirsty Bannister laboratory at Wolfson Card Institute , she is investigating possible pathophysiological mechanisms underlying PD-related pain and exploring novel therapeutic approaches, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological. She is an author of more than 5 recent papers addressing pain in PwP.
Dr Katarina Rukavina is a contributor to the following academies