Dr Min Ong

Paediatric neurology consultant
Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Min Ong graduated from University of Glasgow in 2005 and previously trained in paediatrics in Glasgow, Aberdeen, Nottingham and Sheffield. She is passionate about training health professionals and was a committee member of the East Midlands Paediatric Education and Training Committee in 2011-2016. In 2017 she was awarded a BAFTA (BPNA Award for Fabulous Trainee Action) on her work in paediatric neurology subspecialty training in UK. Dr Min Ong now leads the neuromuscular service in Sheffield Children’s Hospital, developing and adapting the service to the needs of patients according to new available drugs. She also sits on the National SMA gene therapy MDT (chair 2023-2024), and SMAREACH steering committee, delivers teaching for the MSc course on advanced cell and gene therapy in Sheffield University and the Paediatric Neurodisability Distance Learning Course (endorsed by the British Academy of Childhood Disability).