
Dr Richard Wood
GP with a Special Interest in Headache
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust
Richard is a GP with a Special Interest in Headache, and runs a weekly community headache clinic for the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust. He is GP Lead for Neurology for the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group and co-developing the new Oxfordshire Headache Pathway. He spends 2 days per week working as a GP in Buckinghamshire and is a GP Trainer. He is also CEO of the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire Local Medical Committee. He graduated from Cambridge University in Medicine in 2009. He also has a degree in Psychology from St. Andrews University (2001) and a DPhil in Cognitive Neuroscience, Oxford University (2005).
On Demand Events
Dr Richard Wood spoke at these On Demand events...
The new NHS landscape: Transforming headache services
Headache Disorders Academy