
Hannah Hornby
Hannah Hornby completed her Speech Science BMedSci degree at the University of Sheffield in 2009. She has since specialised in the management of dysphagia in adult patients in the acute hospital setting, and currently works at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, which is part of Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust.
In September 2022, Hannah was appointed as Board Affiliate at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust. In this role she represented Allied Health Professionals and other clinical colleagues as a board member, inputting into discussions and decision-making at board and committee level. From 2022 to 2024 Hannah also led an internal leadership and management training programme for clinical colleagues, known as the Trainee Leadership Board. Hannah attended the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare to present both the Trainee Leadership Board and Board Affiliate initiatives.
Hannah has recently undertaken a 12-month project, funded by the Parkinson’s Excellence Network, to develop and pilot a novel swallow screening tool for patients with Parkinson’s in the Emergency Department. The screening tool aims to reduce length of stay and improve the patient experience by improving the management of dysphagia and medications, and the project has led to significant improvements in the quality of care that is provided for patients with Parkinson’s in the acute hospital setting.
Throughout the course of the project, Hannah has developed her knowledge and expertise in the multidisciplinary management of people with Parkinson’s through collaboration with Parkinson’s Specialist Nurses, Pharmacists, Medical and Nursing colleagues. She worked closely with people with lived experience to co-design the project and involve them in teaching and training sessions for colleagues.