
Hannah Martin
Since beginning her nursing career Hannah has worked at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust where her background has been primarily within the Department of Neurosciences.
She is part of the Coventry and Warwickshire Regional Parkinson’s Team, and works closely with the neurologists at the hospital who specialise in movement disorders, and is also a member West Midlands Parkinson’s Excellence Network. Her service provides support to patients who are admitted into hospital with Parkinson’s. In addition to this she runs various outpatient nurse led clinics, carries out non oral therapy response tests, and therapy monitoring, and partakes in local and national audits, research, teaching and education. Hannah is also non medical prescriber, and has an Advanced Nurse Practitioner Master’s Degree. She is a committee officer and treasurer for the Parkinson’s Disease Nurse Specialist Association (PDNSA), an influential national body involved in the professional development of the Parkinson’s nurse specialist role, affording close collaboration with other organisations, in the development of new guidelines, competencies and assessment tools.
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