
Jacqueline Young
Jacqueline qualified as a Registered Nurse in 1988, enjoying roles in surgery, palliative care and community nursing before becoming a Parkinson’s Specialist Nurse in 1996. Within this role Jacqueline set up two community Parkinson’s Nurse Services and then started an inpatient nurse service at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge. Jacqueline specialised in the area of Parkinson’s for over 21 years before in the last four years branching out to include working with people with different types of dementias. Thus developing a Specialist Nurse role in Dementia and Movement Disorders and runs Nurse-led clinics as part of a regional and further afield Neuro service for conditions such as Progressive supranuclear palsy / Corticobasal syndrome and Parkinson’s disease dementia.
Recently pursued a Masters in Advanced Dementia Studies and enjoys her role of Educator and Lead Nurse in Dementia and Delirium within the hospital.
Jacqueline was a PDNSA committee member and was a past Chair. She has enjoyed the opportunity to speak nationally and internationally whilst as a Parkinson’s Nurse and Dementia Nurse.
Her particular interests are in managing complex neuropsychiatric symptoms of people living with Parkinson’s and or dementia and how to help families cope with these changes. Her current passion is around person centre care and raising awareness to hospital colleagues on the importance of this and how this can help improve quality of care and the person’s journey through their hospital experience.