
Karen Vernon
Karen Vernon : RGN, BSc (Hons), Post Grad Dip, MSCN, none medical prescriber, was the nurse consultant in multiple sclerosis of the Greater Manchester & East Cheshire MS Service which is based at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust (one of the leading MS Centers in the UK), until March 2022. Since then, having retired from full time working, Karen now carries out MS nurse clinics for the Manchester team when required along with working on other MS related projects on the NHS professionals bank.
Since retirement Karen has also been acting as a medical resource for Shift MS for the development of their information pages.
Karen’s professional background is firmly in neurology, having worked within the specialty for a long time within varying settings. From an acute neurology ward, to becoming a community neurology nurse to specialising in MS at different centres leading to the very best job of being a nurse consultant.
Aside from the advances for patients, one of the overwhelming positives in MS care has been the development of the MS specialist nurse role and it is the future proofing of the role that continues to be one of Karen’s drivers. The equity of service provision to all patients with any type of MS is another important aspect of care that Karen continues to be passionate about.
Karen has also been co-chair of the United Kingdom Multiple Sclerosis Specialist Nurse Association (UKMSSNA), and received a lifetime achievement award from the association for services to MS nursing. Karen has also been the UK representative on the Multiple Sclerosis Nurses International Certification Board (MSNICB).
Along with 2 consultant colleagues, Karen developed an award winning (proud moment) neurological examination course for MS nurses to help them enhance their skills.