
Michael Foley
Michael Foley is the programme manager for Trinity's PPI Ignite Office, promoting public and patient involvement in health-related research. The PPI Ignite Office is based in the Trinity Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability (TCAID).
Prior to this role, he has worked as a research & development officer in TCAID and a research module coordinator on the Masters in Mediation and Conflict Intervention in the Edward M Kennedy Institute for Conflict Intervention in Maynooth University.
He has worked as a senior manager for the NGO Age & Opportunity and has run the National Disability Authority's Research Library. He also has many years of experience in freelance copywriting, editing, research and facilitation work.
With an MSc in Applied Social Research, Michael has a particular interest in research translation and impact, with a particular focus on how public policy, the NGO sector and the research sector interact.
Michael Foley is a contributor to the following academies