
Michelle Davies
Michelle Davies qualified as a Physiotherapist in 1995 and worked in Cardiff where she specialised in Neurology from 1997; working in various fields across this speciality in both acute and rehabilitationsettings. During this time, she developed knowledge, skills and experience not only in clinicalneurology and neuro-rehabilitation, but also in care pathways, and service development.
Michelle moved to Dorset in 2006 developing into a Specialist Neuro-Practitioner in addition to Clinical Specialist Neurological Physiotherapist in her role with the Community Neurology Service. During this role she developed an interest in pro-active care, holistic patient assessment and review,and the development of neuro and MS advanced practitioners.
In 2016 Michelle became Service Lead for the Dorset MS Service as a Specialist MS Practitioner in what was previously an MS Nurse role, thereby taking on duties traditionally undertaken by MSNurses. In this role she is developing the team and pathways to optimise holistic and pro-active care for people with MS.She is passionate about improving services for people with MS and in developing professionals in this field. Michelle is proud to be co-chair of TiMS (Therapists in MS) and is an active member of the working group.
Michelle Davies is a contributor to the following academies
On Demand Events
Michelle Davies spoke at these On Demand events...