
Pauline Callagher
Pauline qualified as a registered general nurse in 1989 and began a career in neurosciences nursing at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust where she worked for many years on the acute neurology and neurosurgical wards holding several posts including Infection Control Nurse, Clinical Nurse Practitioner and Ward Manager. Her time working on the neurology ward gave her a special interest in looking after people living with motor Neurone disease. In 2005 the MND Association funded Pauline in the role as Care Centre Co-ordinator in the Preston MND Care and Research Centre. In this role she led the team in implementing various developments such as nurse-led clinics in hospice, introduction of advance planning using the document ‘Preferred Priorities of Care’ and assisted in developing the respiratory services so that patients did not have to travel to another county to be commenced on non-invasive ventilation. Pauline was also on the development group for the NIV guidelines in MND and has since become an expert for NICE and is currently on the advisory panel of the MND Association.
Pauline Callagher is a contributor to the following academies