
Prof Piers Dawes
Piers Dawes is professor of audiology at the University of Queensland and the University of Manchester. Professor Dawes’s research concerns i) understanding causes and impacts of hearing impairment, particularly in the context of multimorbidity in older age, ii) prevention and treatment of hearing impairment, and iii) hearing service development and evaluation. Professor Dawes was US-UK Fulbright scholar and received the British Society of Audiology’ TS Littler prize for services to audiology for his work on the epidemiology of hearing impairment. Professor Dawes was the founding chair of the British Society of Audiology’s special interest group for cognition in hearing, which promotes research and raising awareness of new developments on cognitive issues in hearing science, assessment and intervention. Professor Dawes is joint PI for “Ears, Eyes and Mind: The “SENSE-Cog Project” to improve mental well-being for elderly Europeans with sensory impairment”, a €6.2 million EU Horizon 2020 project. As part of SENSE-Cog, professor Dawes led development and validation of versions of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (internationally the most used cognitive screening test) for people with hearing or vision impairment. Professor Dawes is a lead investigator for the NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Unit in Hearing.