
Rachel Thompson
RGN RMN MSc BA (Hons) PG Cert.
Rachel is currently the consultant admiral nurse for Lewy Body dementia; funded by the Lewy Body Society. This is a national role offering education, consultancy and direct clinical support to families. She has worked as a nurse for over 30 years across a range of settings and first specialised in dementia care as an Admiral Nurse in 1999. She was previously the professional & practice development lead for admiral nursing and before that the dementia lead at the Royal College of Nursing.
Rachel has been involved in delivering education & training, supporting practice development projects involving people with dementia and family carers and has published a number of articles on education and best practice in dementia. She also co-authored a book; Pulsford & Thompson (2019) ‘Dementia; Support for Family & Friends’ (second edition).
Rachel Thompson is a contributor to the following academies