
Sarah McCracken
Sarah is a Parkinson’s Nurse Specialist, with almost 20 years’ experience. She graduated in 1991 with a BSc (Hons) in Nursing (Bristol) and pursued a career in neurology, neurosurgery, neuro ITU (Queen’s Square), and neuro rehabilitation. Five years as a community nurse was excellent training for a career as a Parkinson’s Nurse, first in the hospital and then 15 years with an MDT in the community (CityCare, Nottingham). She has a special interest in the case management of complex/advanced Parkinson’s, PSP, MSA, and Corticobasal syndrome. She has developed an excellent clinical network with colleagues in the acute trust, movement disorders team, palliative care as well as GPs and community teams.
In 2021 she took a part-time MPhil at the University of Nottingham, exploring the motor and non-motor impact of Nordic walking for people with Parkinson’s disease. She graduated in July 2024 and presented her findings at the Parkinson’s East Midlands Research Interest Group (PEMRIG), to 110 delegates including academics, clinicians, and people with Parkinson’s. She also spoke at an International Nordic walking convention in Finland (INWA) to fifty delegates from 16 countries. She competed in the first World championships for Nordic walking with a participant with PD, Christine, a retired Physical education teacher. Together, they have been asked to write a continuing professional development module (Parkinson’s) for British Nordic walking instructors.
Sarah is familiar with speaking at PDNSA conferences, British Nordic walking conventionsand takes a lead with education and audit in her community neurology MDT.
She enjoys being active and encourages PwP, colleagues, and friends to take part in parkrun, running and Nordic walking as well as open water swimming.