Sharon Gill
Lead Clinical Nurse Specialist in Neuro-Urology and Sexual Function. Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital.
Client group includes; Spinal Cord Injury, Neurological conditions including MS, Cauda Equina, mestastic cord compression, sarcoma/sacretomy. Caring for adults and children.
CNS service includes Nurse led video-Urodynamics, nurse led sexual function and fertility service, complex reconstructive bladder surgery patients, complex SPC clinic, ISC clinic, UTI management service, nurse led bowel service. Team includes CNSs, clinical scientist, specialist pelvic floor physiotherapist, research nurse, research physio, research post doc scientist, Urologists and Gastroenterologist
Nurse led audits, research and studies in having children post SCI, UTI rates post Urodynamics, enhanced CNS recovery program post COVID, catheter blockage prevention, nurse led flexible cystoscopy and Botox service and complex UTI treatments.
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