
Susan Ashcroft-Simpson
Susan Ashcroft-Simpson has worked for over 32 years as an RMN in dementia care. She has enjoyed a variety of nursing roles including continuing care, day hospital, managerial and development posts and regularly lecture at the University of Manchester. She has been working as an Admiral Nurse for 15 years in Manchester, providing Susan with opportunities to work in true partnership with families caring for people with dementia.
Susan has special interests in post diagnostic counselling for people with dementia and their families, an interest in abuse of vulnerable adults and studied at the University of Keele to gain a Masters Degree in Adult Protection. She also has a strong interest in palliative and end of life needs for people with dementia and their families. Admiral Nursing enables her to contribute to the development of practice both locally and nationally. In clinical practice the role helps Susan to prepare and support families of people with dementia at diagnosis, along the journey and pre- and post-bereavement.
Susan is proud to have been able to lead her team to be successful in achieving several awards for their work in dementia care such as Dignity in Care Awards, Innovation Awards, Manchester Women of the Year and Excellence in Practice Awards. She achieved the title of Queens Nurse in 2015 in recognition of her values in practice as a community nurse. Alongside her Admiral Nursing role, she currently works as the Dementia Lead in Manchester.
Susan Ashcroft-Simpson is a contributor to the following academies