
Wendy Hendrie
Wendy Hendrie has specialised in the management of multiple sclerosis and complex neurodisability for over thirty five years. She has worked in the NHS, on younger disabled units and in MS Therapy Centres. She completed a PhD in 2012 looking at the physical and psychological effects of regular standing frame use in the homes of people with progressive MS. From this pilot study, a randomised controlled trial was conducted with professor Jenny Freeman at Plymouth University.
She was a member of the 2014 NICE guideline development group for MS and was a founder member of the national group Therapists in MS (TiMS), of which she was co-chair for six years. She currently works at an MS Centre in Norwich. As well as her clinical work, she is involved in a number of research and advisory projects around the country including the development of NHS England’s Optimum MS Pathway. She has worked with the MS Society and MS Trust and has written booklets on postural management for people with MS.
Wendy is passionate about improving services for people with MS, the education of health professionals and increasing the role of MS specialist therapists within the NHS. She has co-authored a Skills and Knowledge framework for AHPs working with people with MS. She lectures widely on all aspects of MS management. Her particular areas of interest are the management of ataxia, postural management, spasticity management and encouraging regular activity in people with MS from diagnosis.
Wendy Hendrie is a contributor to the following academies