Quality improvements around mild cognitive impairment
NewsThe Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) course was a fully virtual, completely free course, available on-demand and accessed via Dementia Academy's online learning portal. The course was accompanied by a range of resources, both a reading list for the course overall, and specific resources and tools referred to in each individual session.
It was initially developed by Dr Ross Dunne for Dementia United, and later produced by Dementia Academy in partnership with the non-profit organisation.
Delegate feedback
The course ran from March to September 2021, and 78 delegates from various roles and backgrounds around the country completed the course, from consultants to GPs, physiotherapists to administrators.
100% of those who evaluated the course rated it either good or excellent and would recommend it to a colleague - which is great news as we have hopes of offering an updated version in 2022!
Delegate feedback
24 of our delegates also elected to complete a quality improvement project based on their learning, and were offered mentorship to do so. Projects spanned a huge variety of quality improvements, from clinical screening for REM sleep behaviour disorder to culturally-appropriate and tailored education in BAME communities.
Everyone who completed a project has been supported by our medical writer to develop a short summary and these will be published in an open access booklet in the new year to help share learning and encourage others around the country to implement simple ideas to improve MCI assessment and management in the future.
This activity has been supported by sponsorship from Dementia United. The sponsor has had no control over the educational content of this activity.
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Dementia Academy: Education with impact
Promoting prevention, supporting management
Led by proactive clinicians determined to see improvement in the way we prevent, diagnose and manage dementias, Dementia Academy supports healthcare professionals with the latest tools, resources and courses to do just that.