
Anthony Lawton
Anthony is both a management consultant and management accountant experienced in the areas of data, change, finance and innovation with a track record in both the private and public sectors. He has over eight years’ experience working with the NHS in commercial and analytical roles and has led the RightCare optimal patient pathway modelling utilising financial modelling to help commissioners understand that proactive management may well be more cost effective.
Anthony is the founder of ABC8.Healthcare, an online collaborative system for health and social care stakeholders to share solutions and also works with several CCGs in the north of England on QIPP initiatives.
He looks to constantly improve systems, processes and business models and loves a big idea! (“The Manchester PCTs “Points4Life” programme (Anthony’s idea) was the best Public Health initiative there has ever been!” Professor Matthew Cripps NHS RightCare National Programme Director)
Anthony also has over 7 years’ experience in senior commercial roles for organisations such as ABB, Airtours, MBNA Bank and Littlewoods.
Anthony Lawton is a contributor to the following academies
Anthony Lawton is speaking at these forthcoming events...