
Fiona Lindop
Fiona Lindop is a specialist physiotherapist in Parkinson’s and atypical Parkinson’s conditions, working as a member of the multi-disciplinary team in the Derby Parkinson’s Service which is a Parkinson’s Foundation Centre of Excellence. She is also clinical therapy lead for the Parkinson’s UK Excellence Network and sits on both the Steering Group and Governance Board of the National Parkinson’s Audit.
Fiona developed a physiotherapy-specific, functional, mobility assessment measure for Parkinson’s (Lindop Parkinson’s Disease Assessment Scale) and has a special interest in using music to improve gait disturbance and other Parkinson’s symptoms. She was the physiotherapy representative on the NICE Parkinson’s Guideline (2017), and the NICE Quality Standards for Parkinson’s.
This year, Fiona was honored with an MBE in recognition of her outstanding contributions and dedicated service to the field of physiotherapy.
Fiona Lindop is a contributor to the following academies
On Demand Events
Fiona Lindop spoke at these On Demand events...