Gemma Burgin

Parkinson’s nurse specialist for care of the elderly
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Gemma qualified as a registered nurse in 2002 and went on to complete her degree in 2005. Whilst working on elderly care wards the opportunity arose for a secondment to work with the then Parkinson’s nurse specialist. Initial plans for a 3-month secondment were extended to 2 years and from then on, despite the secondment being discontinued, she pursued her interests in the care of the Parkinson’s patient. She was awarded Queens Nurse status in 2024 which celebrates high standards of community care and was chosen to attend St James' Palace to celebrate 35 years of the PDNS role earlier this year.

Attending many conferences provided by the PDNSA and the PDUK Excellence Network, and completing the Neurology Academy Parkinson's Advanced masterclass in 2013, she secured her Parkinson’s Nurse role in April 2017 and became an independent prescriber in 2019. She joined the Parkinson's Disease Nurse Specialist Association committee in 2023 and has spoken at the Neurology Academy Parkinsons Advanced masterclass course.

Gemma manages a caseload of around 200 patients with Parkinson’s disease and related disorders, and is keen to support those closest to the patient with caring roles. She currently provides telephone clinics and home visits for patients on her caseload.

She is also involved in audit to improve care of the inpatient and is providing education sessions for hospital staff of all disciplines to help with this.

Her interests are in developing an effective Parkinson’s MDT service with good working links between associated specialities, and in offering effective practical and emotional support to carers of people with Parkinson’s particularly in the complex stage.


Gemma Burgin is speaking at these forthcoming events...