Launching MS Leadership MasterClass 2 - apply now!

05 Aug 2022

We are delighted to announce that the much anticipated second MS Leadership MasterClass is running in February 2023 and is now open to applications.

This unique course was established in recognition that effecting change in MS services requires clinical leadership, and leadership training and support within the NHS is limited.

‘All leadership is about change; leading towards something, creating something new or different.’

Barbara Hoese, Lead Faculty

12 places are available for this bespoke leadership course. Comprising in-person learning, mentorship and coaching, as well as a group project, the course is designed to inspire, encourage and equip healthcare professionals to both lead for change in their own areas, and to inspire their peers to become leaders in turn.

Our first MS Leadership MasterClass had a huge impact on the delegates who completed the course, who came from a variety of roles and backgrounds, including registrars and consultants, specialist nurses and coordinators.

This year's course hopes to have a similar impact on a new cohort of individuals working in the MS field.

Beginning with a focus on leading 'Self', before moving to leading others, the MasterClass takes a view that anyone can lead from their own skills and strengths when they appreciate the different skills and strengths held by others and learn to support everyone in bringing their best to the overall goal.

'When we were first meeting I was under the impression that the course was to teach us how to become a leader, and I was quite surprised to learn that we were already thought of as leaders in some capacity, and that this was to develop our skills. I hadn't recognised that I had any leadership qualities and was quite surprised to find that other people thought that I did.'

Jenny Ledsam, MS coordinator and MS Leadership MasterClass 1 alumni

MS Leaders Academy seeks to transform services and support for people with MS by equipping the workforce providing them.

'Leadership is, simply put, influencing someone for the common good.’

Prof Gabriele De Luca, Lead Faculty

If you would like to understand your own leadership strengths and build on this through a package of learning spanning lectures, discussions, coaching, and teamwork, send in your application form now!

This event is funded by sole sponsorship from Roche Products Limited. Roche Products Limited has had no involvement in the organisation or educational content of this event.

Leadership for lasting change

The MS Leadership Academy equips clinicians with the skills, tools and confidence to lead change both locally and nationally.