Constantly evolving education: Palliative Care MasterClass

25 Jul 2024

Last year we launched a hugely unique MasterClass designed to cultivate a dual skillset in neurology and palliative care. The course was very well received, although as with all novel styles of education, there were some areas to improve.

We gathered feedback both in person and from evaluation forms, and are delighted to share the changes we have made to our programme for the fifth Palliative Care MasterClass, set to run in November this year.

97% of attendees were likely or highly likely to change their practice as a result of the course whilst 96% would recommend it to a colleague. Speakers were praised for both their content and delivery and the complexity of the real-life cases brought to discuss were valued by many.

‘Really good and interesting talk and case. Interesting to see the differences in approach between neurology vs geriatric med/palliative care.’
‘This talk was incredible. Really difficult situation exploring the ethics and best interests decision making with a complete knowledge about the patient and best wishes for their life.’

Delegate comment on MS theme, delivered by Dr Rachel Farrell, consultant neurologist

‘It's great to hear about hard to swallow recommendations in relevance to case and about the instrumental swallowing assessment.’
‘Great to see videos, good to know more about re-aspiration and assessment.’
‘Some key information was discussed that is pertinent and transferable to my job role.’

Delegate comments on Parkinson’s theme and managing dysphagia, delivered by Anna Tucker, speech and language therapist

Based on valuable feedback, this years' course has a number of changes which reflect a widening of focus to include all aspects of holistic care. We have a new session on spirituality in healthcare with Rev Andrew Goodhead, lead chaplain and visiting lecturer at King's College London. This session will explore the concepts of "multiple deaths" in chronic neurological conditions and the overlapping roles of spiritual and psychological care, demonstrating how these can complement each other within a service. It will also cover self-care for clinicians practising in this area, ensuring they are supported as they support others.

Another new session added to this year's programme is about unpaid carers, led by Mobilise. This session will provide clinicians with valuable insights on identifying and supporting unpaid carers, highlighting the significant impact that Mobilise has on carer support. Delegates will learn about carer assessments and the legal support available to carers, ensuring that healthcare professionals are equipped with the knowledge to better assist and advocate for those who provide unpaid care to individuals with long-term neurological conditions.

We are also continuing to tweak the balance of content to cater effectively for both specialisms - palliative care and neurology, as each comes with a different background and perspective and both seek to upskill in the other discipline.

To find out more about the newly updated course, see the programme or submit your application, head to the Palliative Care MasterClass webpage:

12 November 2024 Course
Palliative Care MasterClass 5 Last places remaining

This meeting has been part funded by sponsorship from Zambon UK Limited. The sponsor has had no control over the educational content or the organisation of this meeting.

For every person, at any stage

Palliative Care Academy challenges the idea of palliative care as a late-stage service. Whilst recognising the practical nuances and bespoke approaches needed in palliative care for people with dementia, Parkinson's, MS and motor neurone disease respectively, the Academy promotes a holistic and positive approach to palliative care at any stage of any condition.