Neuro-palliative care: on-demand
Dual-specialism is rare in the UK, and yet a dual skill-set in neurology and palliative care can improve quality of care and confidence of practitioners. Our unique neuro-palliative care MasterClass, designed to cultivate this dual-skillset, is now available as an on-demand course!
Spanning seven modules, the course reviews four key conditions: dementia, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis and motor neurone disease. For each, expert speakers dig into the realities of that condition and present the role of palliative care from diagnosis through to the end of life.
Specific modules are also devoted to cross-condition learning, considering common themes such as speech and swallowing, pain, communication and carer burden through case-based panel discussions, whilst a final module is dedicated to discussing neuro-palliative services, both now and in the future.
Who is this course for?
This on-demand course is particularly intended to give opportunities for learning to those who can't access our in-person courses, whether due to working overseas or caring responsibilities.
Uniquely designed to create a neuro-palliative dual specialism, this course is ideally suited to anyone with a specialism in either palliative care or neurology, and will cater to the needs of each individual's background.
Consultants or specialist trainees and specialist nurses from neurology, medicine for the elderly or palliative care, experienced therapists and allied health professionals working in any of these fields will greatly benefit from this bespoke course.
Last updated: 24 Oct
What will the course involve?
This fully virtual course comprises 7 on-demand learning modules. The first module is optional pre-course learning designed to ensure everyone, whatever their specialism, arrives at the course proper with a strong background knowledge of both neurology and palliative care.
The following 5 modules comprise 22 sessions and cover focused neuro-palliative learning around dementia, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis (MS) and motor neurone disease (MND), focusing on aspects of care that are specific to, or nuanced by, that condition. For example, meeting an unexpressed need in dementia, de-escalating medication in Parkinson's, managing spasticity in MS, or complex early decision-making in MND.
The penultimate module look at complex management of specific symptoms or circumstances which are relevant across a number of different conditions, such as pain, communication, carer burden and making complex ethical decisions. Finally, module six discusses developing neuro-palliative care services, different models and the practicalities of these within current commissioning and resource challenges.
How is the course taught?
The fully virtual course is accessed in the delegates' own time via our designated online learning portal. The virtual sessions can be completed in a time frame and style that best suits each learner, whether compressed into a few days of concentrated learning, or spread out across several weeks or even months.
With supporting papers, tools, and resources shared online as well, each individual will be equipped to complete the course in the way that both optimises their learning experience and fits with their other commitments.
Upon completion of all sessions you will also receive a certificate to add to your portfolio.
Estimated time to complete the course:
With approximately 16 hours of video sessions plus further reading, we anticipate this course to take 3-5 days to complete.
Course cost and how to apply
The course will cost £400 incl. VAT* per person. To reserve your space on this course, you can now pay directly online. Please click the "Register and pay now" button and complete the payment process. Once your payment is successful, you will be invited to open your Neurology Academy account, to access the course resources.
*VAT is charged at the standard UK rate of 20%
Delegates will be able to access sessions, presentation slides and other resources for 12 months after registration with their website account. → Terms & conditions
If you have any questions about this course please don't hesitate to contact us on events@neurologyacademy.org
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Consultant neurologist, University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire

Consultant physician and movement disorders lead, Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Internal medicine trainee, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust

Lead MS specialist nurse, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Professor in geriatric psychiatry, Trinity College Dublin & Faculty, GBHI
MND nurse consultant, MND Oxford UK

Highly advanced pharmacist neurology, South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Assistant Professor of Neurology and Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre

Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Northern Care Alliance NHS Trust

Head of research & publications, dementia UK and admiral nursing, professor of dementia nursing (honorary), De Montfort University, Leicester

MS nurse specialist, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust

MS specialist nurse, Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust

Team leader for the advanced dementia support team, occupational therapist, End of Life Partnership

Clinical lead for psychiatry, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

Lecturer in palliative care, King’s College London, Cicely Saunders Institute

Consultant in elderly medicine, North Bristol NHS Trust

Honorary Professor, Tizard Centre, University of Kent

Consultant neurologist, National Hospital, Queen Square

Consultant neurologist, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Palliative care consultant, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

NIHR Clinical doctoral research doctoral fellow & MND dietitian, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Independent healthcare consultant & PPV member, NHSE neurology transformation CRG

Clinical neurologist, galician health service, pontevedra, Spain, Atlantic Fellow in Equity for Brain Health, GBHI

Health Economist with expertise in quantitative and qualitative research, Global Brain Health Institute

Consultant in palliative medicine, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire

Speech and language therapist, North Bristol NHS Trust

CEO, The Neurological Alliance
For every person, at any stage
Palliative Care Academy challenges the idea of palliative care as a late-stage service. Whilst recognising the practical nuances and bespoke approaches needed in palliative care for people with dementia, Parkinson's, MS and motor neurone disease respectively, the Academy promotes a holistic and positive approach to palliative care at any stage of any condition.