Highlighting the need for education in Lewy body dementia
NewsLast year culminated in a brand new MasterClass for Lewy body dementia being piloted.
Lewy body Academy presented its inaugural MasterClass, and with positive feedback from speakers and delegates alike and 191 healthcare professionals awaiting a future iteration of the course, Neurology Academy has been proud of the impact so far.
The MasterClass has been reported on in the Journal for Advances in Neuroscience and Neurorehabilitation, and a poster submitted to the International Lewy Body Conference later this year.

It is our hope that, by raising the profile of the need for education in Lewy body dementia, as well as sharing our own efforts to meet that need, better information and support will be provided to healthcare professionals, and improved experiences had by those with this condition.
The next Lewy body dementia MasterClass is expected to run again in November this year.
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Lewy Body Academy
Focussing on dementia with Lewy bodies (previously known as Lewy body disease), and Parkinson's disease dementia, this specialist training ensures people with these dementias do not fall through the gaps in care.