Our Parkinson's Foundation MasterClass now available on demand!
NewsNow available on demand: Our Parkinson's Foundation MasterClass, specifically designed to give participants a solid grounding in the knowledge and skills they need to practice in this clinical area. This year, as a response to both your continued interest in specialist education and the challenges wrought by the coronavirus pandemic, we are providing our first full MasterClass virtually and on demand. With over 17 years of experience delivering Parkinson's Education, we are excited to bring you a new way to learn.
It is suitable for anyone looking to improve their understanding of Parkinson's - it's diagnosis, management, and treatment. It is particularly appropriate for non-final year registrars, old age psychiatry registrars, Parkinson’s nurses within the first 18 months of post, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, pharmacists, clinical fellows, and clinical lecturers and GPwER. We are also welcoming international Parkinson's healthcare professionals - although please be advised that this course is delivered from a UK perspective.
Parkinson's Academy's Academic Director Dr Peter Fletcher, introduces the course here:
The course cost is £400 inc VAT. To apply please complete the form on our website. We will be in touch with you once your application is approved, and your log-in details for the course will be provided upon receipt of the course fee.
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'The things you can't get from the books'
Parkinson's Academy, our original and longest running Academy, houses 22 years of inspirational projects, resources, and evidence for improving outcomes for people with Parkinson's. Led by co-founder and educational director Dr Peter Fletcher, the Academy has a truly collegiate feel and prides itself on delivering 'the things you can't get from books' - a practical learning model which inspires all Neurology Academy courses.