Parkinson’s Concierge- Living a life with Parkinson's virtual conference

1st-2nd December 2020

“Living a Life with Parkinson’s”

Parkinson's Concierge are delivering the first Patient Led Conference Module by people living with Parkinson’s.

Parkinson’s Concierge – who are we?

  • Russ Bradford and Charlotte Allen both have Parkinson’s, live together and operate Parkinson’s Concierge together
  • We are a Patient Run Business – Developing a Global Parkinson’s Community, and offering a virtual platform for Health & Well Being.
  • We are the “go to” place for anything Parkinson’s related.
  • Signposting to services, events, fund raisers, products, or research.
  • We work closely with Parkinson’s UK, the Parkinson’s Excellence Network, the NHS, University Hospitals, Med Tech & AI and Global Biotech Companies.
  • Everything we promote is “Parkinson’s Friendly”, to benefit and improve the quality of life of all people affected by the condition.

Find out more about us on our new website

Why are we getting involved?

Parkinson’s Concierge is Partnering with Giant Health 2020

We will be delivering this Virtual Conference Model Globally sharing with you what its like to live with this incurable conditions and welcoming you into our lives and the problems we face.

What and who is in our show?

We will be involving the most respected Professionals - top Neurologists, Parkinson’s Nurse, two inspiring “key note -motivational speakers” also living with the condition, Gary Shaughnessy Chair , Z Zurich Foundation and Chair, Parkinson’s UK & Scott Rider Former Senior Partner/CEO at Rider+Reinke Financial Group LLC

Here are our Headliners within Academia

Professor Ray Chaudhuri, DSc FRCP MD
Professor of Movement Disorders
Clinical Director Parkinson Foundation Centre of Excellence, Kings College, Denmark Hill Campus
Research Director and Assistant Medical Director Kings College Hospital
Chairman. IPMDS Non Motor Parkinson's Study Group
Chairman. MDS Membership and PR Committee
Co Editor in Chief Nature Partnership Journal, PD

Dr Annette Hand, DNursing, MA, PGDp CR, RGN
Associate Professor of Complex Long Term Conditions Management, Department of Nursing, Midwifery and Health. Nursing Clinical Lead - Clinical Leadership Team for the UK Parkinson's Excellence Network

Dr Amit Batla MBBS MA(Clin Edu) MD FRCP
A movement disorder Neurologist. Honorary Consultant at National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN), Queen Square. Consultant Neurologist at Luton and Dunstable University Hospital (L&D).

By creating this “unique” event Partnering with Giant Healthcare, we wish to create a better awareness and understanding of what it’s like to live with Parkinson’s, and the symptoms we live with and everyday challenges we face.

We will bring a cross section of Academics & Professionals together including Pharma, Medical Tech, AI. They will present, and be invited to sit on panels alongside us, the Patients, living with Parkinson’s.

We hope that this event will bring about a change in how Parkinson’s Treatment and future relationships will change.

What's on our agenda?

Join our “Parkinson’s House” Session

An interactive session – involving ReMeLife – our Global Platform & people with Parkinson’s

  • Watch 10 short 3 minute videos of People living with Parkinson’s in their own homes.
  • Breaking out into groups of different specialisms Medical & Non-Medical to brain storm
  • Followed by a further session of what Parkinson’s friendly ideas, products, and solutions you may have come up with to help us, to improve our quality of life.

This is a new way of showing you our lives in our home setting, something never done before.

You will have the opportunity for us to demonstrate problems we encounter that healthy people take for granted. We want you to get to know us better, and learn more about us.

Everyone and everyone is welcome to participate in this session.
Academics, Med Tech, Pharma, Nurses, Physios, Exercise professionals & Gyms, Kitchen Appliance companies, and disability & mobility specialists.

Panel Sessions

1. Cutting Edge approaches to future Parkinson’s Care
2. How do you treat a condition, when you don’t know the cause of it?

How do you find a cure for the fastest growing neurological condition, where 10 million people worldwide?

Why this event?

  • To create a greater Global awareness of Parkinson’s
  • Developing further Patient Partnering, & Advocacy Opportunities.
  • We promote Patient Centred Care – we like to be involved and included.
  • Showcase our business model and what we do as a business – Parkinson’s Concierge is an all round “Parkinson’s People Package”
  • Why we are an award-winning company, as well as a “unique” business model.
  • Inviting discussions with potential Investors to generate some much-needed revenue
  • Having discussions to demonstrate how Partnering with Parkinson’s Concierge on our Global Platform, developed by ReMeLife, can help expand your Global reach and give you access a virtual world of Parkinson’s.
  • You could benefit and generate income for your business through this affiliate marketing model.
  • Attracting long term Business Partnerships with Medical Tech, AI and Pharma
  • Promoting our Global Charities and the amazing work they do for our community

Our aim is to work together, share our knowledge and our data, as Parkinson’s Patient Experts. We want to engage and collaborate with Companies that care, so they can work with us to make a difference to our quality of life.

Get involved by purchasing tickets on:

Standard Ticket

People with Parkinson's

Parkinson's Nurses

'The things you can't get from the books'

Parkinson's Academy, our original and longest running Academy, houses 22 years of inspirational projects, resources, and evidence for improving outcomes for people with Parkinson's. Led by co-founder and educational director Dr Peter Fletcher, the Academy has a truly collegiate feel and prides itself on delivering 'the things you can't get from books' - a practical learning model which inspires all Neurology Academy courses.