Participate in our audit of MS services
Delegates at our meeting MS Service Provision in the UK 2019: Raising the Bar agreed in principle to participate in the pilot audit; the aim of the audit is to help improve the lives of people with MS AND the work lives of their health care professionals (us) at a time when the challenges and pressures are mounting.This first audit is simple. For each participating site we propose to report: the descriptions of the MS service; summary prescribing information, cost of DMT monitoring and HES data on emergency admissions. We will submit the work for publication. All participating will be authors. We plan to use this information to highlight the need for more MS service support. Participation is very easy. It will take only a few minutes of your time. Firstly, complete the service description Google questionnaire:QuestionnaireSecondly, download your Blueteq data for the calendar year from 01 April 2018 to 31 March 2019. The PDF below gives you a blow-by-blow pictorial account of how to download the data for your trust (which will be anonymised by person and trust). You can remove any information you like from the Blueteq data, we are interested in total number of approvals, the proportions of drugs used, their cost to the NHS, and the cost of DMT monitoring.
For further information on how to submit your data, please contact→ Instructions to access and import data from BlueteqWe already have some early birds who have supplied their data so if that’s you many thanks. For others we would welcome your responses as soon as possible to enable collation of the results. We have committed to produce a report of the pilot in November so the earlier we can get the data the better.We would be happy to talk this through with you if there are any problems otherwise, we look forward to receiving your completed forms.[one_half]Jeremy Hobart Professor of Clinical Neurology and Health Measurement University of Plymouth Faculty Member MS Academy[/one_half][one_half_last]Gavin Giovannoni Professor of Neurology Blizard Institute Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry Academic Faculty Lead[/one_half_last]
For further information on how to particpate, please contact
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