MS Service Provision in the UK: Raising the Bar

Social determinants of health – Raising the Bar workstream


After an initial meeting in 2018 to discuss service variance in MS, clinicians across the country agreed to a national plan to raise the bar for MS over the coming years.

To make sure that ‘no patient is left behind’, addressing the social determinants of health in people with MS is a must.

What the workstream is doing

Co-lead Prof Gavin Giovannoni tells us more about the workstream in this short video:

How can I get involved?

The workstream has developed a survey to gauge current healthcare practitioners’ engagement with SDoH in their work with people with MS. This is an area of health which affects us all. Please complete the survey to help gather the data needed to affect change.

Meet the workstream leads

Prof Helen Ford

Clinical professor of neurology, Leeds Teaching Hospitals/University of Leeds

Dr Saúl Reyes

MS fellow, Blizard Institute, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, Barts and The London NHS Trust

Prof Gavin Giovannoni

Professor of neurology, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry

Find out more