
Dr Kate Petheram
Consultant neurologist
South Tyneside & Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust
Kate is a consultant neurologist in Sunderland where she is currently MS lead. Kate studied medicine in Bristol and stayed in the southwest to do her medical training in Bristol and Exeter moving to London to do neurology jobs at St Georges and The Royal Free. She made the move to the North East to undertake neurology specialist training. She is local PI for a number of observational studies. She is a member of the ABN quality committee and one of the medical advisors for the MS Society.

Dr David Paling, Ciara O'Meara, Anna Hill, Alison Pease and Dr Kate Petheram, December 2021
02 Jul 2020
Starting & switching disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) – EAN 2020
Posted in Event reports

Dr Kate Petheram is a contributor to the following academies
On Demand Events
Dr Kate Petheram spoke at these On Demand events...
Diet & MS: Do we discuss this topic early and regularly enough and what should we advise?
MS Academy