40th MasterClass winner of Parkinson's quality improvement projects announced!


Dr Joanna Ulley and Dr Peter Fletcher

Our 40th Parkinson's MasterClass graduated this winter after presenting their brilliant array of workplace projects - the winner of which was Dr Joanna Ulley, Specialist Trainee in Geriatrics and Stroke Medicine.

A huge congratulations go to her for her work in Developing Trust Guidance for Inpatient Management of Parkinson’s Disease at Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Joanna noted that there were a high number of people with Parkinson's being admitted to Barnsley Hospital's inpatient department and that a 2020 'Get it in Time' audit had found that almost three quarters of Parkinson's patients were not getting their medication at the right time, developed a local guideline to support appropriate medication management of Parkinson's patients on general wards.

'It is hoped that by using this document and increasing awareness of the risks, our audit of the original patient group will demonstrate improved prescribing practices.'

Joanna Ulley, 'conclusion' cited from her poster

Her poster, written project summary, and recorded presentation are all available to view online.

Two of the delegates were awarded a 'Runner up' prize - geriatrician Beatriz Contreras and specialist registrar Laura Grunsell.

Beatriz, focussing on bone health, conducted an audit of Parkinson's patients within her Movement Disorders' Team to analyse the prevalence of cognitive impairment, postural hypotension, polypharmacy, osteoporotic fracture, anticholinergic burden and the prescription of bone protection in this population.

She concluded from her audit that:

'At this moment, considering the results of this audit; the general management of osteoporosis ,risk of falls and fractures is suboptimal in our area. A quality improvement project is needed to optimise the management of polypharmacy and primary and secondary prevention of falls and fractures in this population.'

Dr Laura Grunsell's secondary care-based project was twofold: understanding the demands of an inpatient liaison movement disorder specialist and identifying the areas that could be improved within the current service. By auditing inpatient admission and surveying junior doctors to understand their perspectives on the service, Laura hoped to to identify challenges in the service and therefore understand how to begin to make service improvements. She concludes:

'This project has allowed me to understand the current service and the areas in which I can make immediate changes and achievable goals for the future.'

Dr Laura Grunsell, 'Conclusion'

Find out more about the winning projects

'The things you can't get from the books'

Parkinson's Academy, our original and longest running Academy, houses 22 years of inspirational projects, resources, and evidence for improving outcomes for people with Parkinson's. Led by co-founder and educational director Dr Peter Fletcher, the Academy has a truly collegiate feel and prides itself on delivering 'the things you can't get from books' - a practical learning model which inspires all Neurology Academy courses.