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How do I manage urinary incontinence in a neurological patient?
Uro-neurology Academy webinar
Our launch webinar for Uro-neurology Academy introduces you to the academic director Professor Jalesh Panicker, consultant neurologist in Uro-neurology and key faculty members Collette Haslam, Sue Thomas and Ruth Stross our head of nursing
We will be covering the basics around managing urinary incontinence in a neurological patient.
This webinar will be centered around the basic approach to managing urinary incontinence in a neurological patient from a medical, nursing and allied health professional perspective with an update on the NHS England & NHS improvement (NHSE/I) neuroscience transformation programme which has set out future commissioning models for neurology, looking at the implications for MS, bladder and urology services.
Read a full summary of this webinar:

Slides - Sue Thomas
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Head of nursing, Neurology Academy & neurology specialist nurse, Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Consultant neurologist, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Clinical nurse specialist in Uro-Neurology, The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery

Independent healthcare consultant & PPV member, NHSE neurology transformation CRG