Developing an inreach liaison service for inpatients with Parkinsonism
People living with Parkinson’s disease (PwP) admitted to acute hospitals, often have advanced disease. They are more likely to be admitted to hospital and have longer length of stay than non-PD patients. Their risk of developing complications including medication errors, falls, delirium, infections and psychosis is increased.
Some of these are healthcare-associated harms, and healthcare with little expertise in PD require specialist support and advice to achieve excellent patient care of this vulnerable and complex patient cohort.
A gap in provision had been identified at HUTH, with many PwP in the complex and palliative phase admitted to hospital having a poor outcome, and not receiving specialist input during their unplanned admission.
Provide an inreach service delivering specialist review of PwP receiving inpatient care at the HUTH acute hospital Trust
More Parkinson's Academy Inpatient care Projects

'The things you can't get from the books'
Parkinson's Academy, our original and longest running Academy, houses 22 years of inspirational projects, resources, and evidence for improving outcomes for people with Parkinson's. Led by co-founder and educational director Dr Peter Fletcher, the Academy has a truly collegiate feel and prides itself on delivering 'the things you can't get from books' - a practical learning model which inspires all Neurology Academy courses.