Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease and Long COVID-19
By Dr Amanda Reid, Geriatric Medicine, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
To find out how many patients from the movement disorders clinic had developed COVID-19, and determine how many had symptoms of long COVID.
- Most patients developed fatigue and loss of appetite after recovering from COVID
- Some patients reported experiencing anxiety after COVID-19
- There were no reports of anxiety or depression post-COVID
Key findings
- 0.06% (12 of 201) patients developed COVID-19
- 25% of those who developed COVID-19 were living in a nursing home
More Parkinson's Academy COVID-19 Projects
Physical activity and Parkinson’s: Identifying the challenges over the past 3 years
By Linda Patterson, Parkinson's Nurse Specialist, NHS Tayside
Loneliness and Social Isolation in people with Parkinson’s Disease during COVID-19 restrictions
By Dr Somaditya Bandyopadhyay, Staff Grade Physician (Geriatrics), Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
How has covid 19 affected community services for patients with Parkinson’s disease in the Wakefield area?
By Dr Rebecca Burns, Consultant Care of the Elderly, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
'The things you can't get from the books'
Parkinson's Academy, our original and longest running Academy, houses 22 years of inspirational projects, resources, and evidence for improving outcomes for people with Parkinson's. Led by co-founder and educational director Dr Peter Fletcher, the Academy has a truly collegiate feel and prides itself on delivering 'the things you can't get from books' - a practical learning model which inspires all Neurology Academy courses.