We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new iteration of the Palliative Care MasterClass!

30 Sept 2022

Initially developed in 2017 after Parkinson's Academy Faculty member Dr Ed Richfield highlighted a gap in education around palliative care for neurological conditions, the course was forced to take a break during the pandemic, as its format and content were difficult to convey in a virtual space. We took the break, however, to really dig into what we wanted to provide with this course, and addressed some of the challenges we faced in providing content at the right level for healthcare professionals of different specialties.

Our solution? A unique course designed to develop a dual skillset in neuro-palliative care. The course comprises self-directed, self-selective virtual learning to establish a strong foundation of understanding in both palliative care and neurology, regardless of background, and a two-day in-person MasterClass, centred around case studies and panel discussions to really unpick neuro-palliative care in a practical way.

'Developing dual skills across neurology and palliative care has the potential to improve the quality and depth of care and support available to people with a neurological condition and to offer professional development.'

Academic Director and Consultant Geriatrician Dr Ed Richfield

Dual-specialism is reasonably rare in the UK when compared to the United States, but holding two specialist skillsets has the potential to improve quality of care as well as the confidence of healthcare professionals who are supporting people with neurological conditions throughout their life course.

Designed for experienced healthcare professionals working in either palliative care or neurology, whether consultants, nurses, therapists or allied health professionals, this newly designed MasterClass equips delegates to hone their neuro-palliative skills and practice.

'The principles of palliative care should be applied throughout someone’s journey - beginning with a good diagnosis.'

Academic Director and Consultant Geriatrician Dr Ed Richfield

With an entirely self-directed virtual module, part one in the basics of palliative care, part two in neurology, delegates can ensure they are prepared with a solid foundation in both, regardless of their background, before attending the two-day residential course which delves deeply into the space where the two specialisms meet.

Diving into specific challenges associated with individual neurological conditions including dementia, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis (MS) and motor neurone disease (MND) as well as discussing pan-condition complexities and principles of care in practice, this course is packed with incredibly relevant content for those working within Palliative care, Neurology, or Medicine for the elderly.

To find out more or register for this exiting course, follow the event link below.

For every person, at any stage

Palliative Care Academy challenges the idea of palliative care as a late-stage service. Whilst recognising the practical nuances and bespoke approaches needed in palliative care for people with dementia, Parkinson's, MS and motor neurone disease respectively, the Academy promotes a holistic and positive approach to palliative care at any stage of any condition.