MS MasterClass project award winners
All MS MasterClass attendees carry out a workplace project as a key part of the course. This will be on an issue they choose in the area that they work, from service development to epidemiology, audit to patient management.
All delegates present their project to their course peers and the teaching faculty, who jointly choose a winner and two runners up for the year. These people are presented with an award and their projects are highlighted on our website.
All projects are added to our resources area online where the valuable learning can be shared and used more widely.
Advanced MasterClass 20
November 2024
- Siponimod use in Northern Ireland
Conor Hughes
- MS Pharmacist : capturing activates and streamlining MS service
Deva Chamali Karunathilaka

Foundation MasterClass 19
November 2024
- Improving Introductory communication for advanced MS clinics
Dr Sophie Mullins
- Adherence to shared care protocols for Sativex in managing MS-related spasticity: a concordance audit across primary and secondary care
Dr Arunachalam Soma & Dr Jordan Russell
- Evaluating the need for routine testing and antibiotic use in patients receiving ocrelizumab
Kenneth Chu
- Rethinking our MS bladder service
Lindsey Bezzina

Advanced MasterClass 18
November 2023

Ruth Stross & Kate Petheram with project winner Sukhi ChahalI
Foundation MasterClass 17
November 2023
- Optimising MS Nurse Reviews - Shifting Towards a More Patient-Focused Approach
Denisse Bongol & Jessica Mensah - Optimizing DMT Access and Delivery for Multiple Sclerosis Patients A Service Evaluation
Marco Silingardi

Wallace Brownlee & Ruth Stross with project winners Denisse Bongol & Jessica Mensah
Dr Wallace Brownlee, Liz Woodhead & Ruth Stross
Foundation MasterClass 15
November 2022
- Multiple Sclerosis relapses: improving patient education
Nicole Japzon & Flordeliza Madriaga
Nicole Japzon, Flordelia Madriaga & Dr Wallace Brownlee
Advanced MasterClass 14
March 2022
- Setting up a pathway to improve management of Cognitive Impairment in people with MS using screening with the Symbol Digit Modality Test prior to referral to Neuropsychology
Ruth Stross, MS Nurse Specialist, Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust & Dr Victoria Wallace, Neurologist ST6, St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Analysis of Community Caseload and how to manage duplication of services
Sarah Roderick, MS Nurse Specialist, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust
- A model of care for subcutaneous Natalizumab in the community
Sinead Jordan, MS Clinical Nurse Specialist, St Vincent's University Hospital

Ruth Stross, Dr Victoria Wallace & Dr David Paling
Foundation MasterClass 13
December 2021
- Navigating MS Through The World of Social Media: Steering Away From Dr. Google
Ciara O'Meara, Clinical Research Nurse in Neurology, University Hospital Galway - Virtual Consultations for Nurse Led MS Clinics: Here to Stay?
Alison Pease, MS Clinical Nurse Specialist, West Midlands Rehabilitation Centre - Process-mapping the DMT pathway to maximise patient safety
Anna Hill, Pharmacist, Queen's Medical Centre

Dr David Paling, Ciara O'Meara, Anna Hill, Alison Pease and Dr Kate Petheram
Advanced MasterClass 12
May 2021
- Development of a combined Multiple Sclerosis and Maternal Medicine Service
Winner: Dr Ahmed Mubarak Mohamed, Neurology Registrar, Royal Hallamshire Hospital - A service evaluation of rehabilitation medicine interventions for people with multiple sclerosis
Runner up: Dr Laura Edwards, Clinical Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant in Rehabilitation, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton - An audit on consent process for ocrelizumab in Lancashire Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Runner up: Dr Riffat Tanveer, Consultant Neurologist, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Intermediate MasterClass 11
June 2021
- MS service development at Epsom DGH
Winner: Dr Jananee Sivagnanasundaram, Consultant Neurologist, Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust - Review and Reform of the Community Multiple Sclerosis Service
Runner up: Margaret Solomons, MS Specialist Nurse, Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust - Clinical impact of Ocrelizumab dosing delays and their association with CD-19+ B-cell repletion during the COVID-19 pandemic
Runner up: Dr Nitin Sahi, Neurology SpR, University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust

Foundation MasterClass 10
June 2021
- Remote monitoring in people with Multiple Sclerosis during the COVID-19 pandemic
Winner: Dr Andrea Stennett, Research Physiotherapist, Barts Health NHS Trust - An audit on the use of MRI in the monitoring and management of patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Runner up: Dr Linford Fernandes, Neurology Clinical Research Fellow, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust - Telehealth is for Life, not just the Pandemic
Runner up: Katherine McGuigan, MS Clinical Nurse Specialist, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Dr Andrea Stennett, Foundation MasterClass 10 project winner
Advanced MasterClass 9
November 2020
- Early monitoring of B cells on Ocrelizumab may help to identify those at risk of adverse effects
Winner: Chandni Radia, Lead Neuroscience Pharmacist, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust - How COVID-19 influenced MS Service in Hull – Implementation of Official Guidelines and Recommendations
Runner up: Dr Iulia Danciut, Neurology Associate Specialist, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust - The Use of Vitamin D in Multiple Sclerosis
Runner up: Shannon Gaughan, MS Advanced Nurse Practitioner, United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Chandni Radia, Dr Iulia Danciut & Shannon Gaughan, Advanced MasterClass 9 winners
Intermediate MasterClass 8
December 2019
- Mapping Pathways in Multiple Sclerosis across Surrey Downs Health & Care
Winners: Ruth Stross, MS Nurse Specialist, Surrey Downs Health and Care & Dr Ioana Cociasu Clinical Fellow in Neurology St George’s Hospital - Joined up thinking, setting up a Multiple Sclerosis / Urology Service
Runner up: Liam Rice, MS Nurse Specialist, Royal Hallamshire Hospital - The length of time it takes to start on a DMT after diagnosis in Glasgow
Runner up: Pauline McDonald, MS Specialist Nurse, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital
Foundation MasterClass 7
September 2019
- My MS Passport
Winner: Rachel Morrison, MS Specialist Nurse, Western Isles Hospital - Disease Modifying Therapies: Comparing Timescales Between Hospitals and Medications
Runner up: Natasha Hoyle, Pharmacist, Royal Hallamshire Hospital - Postprandial Somnolence in Multiple Sclerosis
Runner up: Dr Neena Singh, SpR, Neurology Royal London Hospital & Tatiana Christmas, FY1, Northwick Park Hospital
Advanced MasterClass 6
- Infectious complications in MS: an audit of high efficacy therapies pre-treatment screening and risk mitigation
Winner: Olivia Moswela, Lead Pharmacist for Neurosciences, John Radcliffe Hospital - Local MS DMT practice – Time from decision to treatment
Runner up: Dr Bindu Yoga, Consultant Neurologist, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (MYHT)
MasterClass 5
- Qualitative aspects of cognition in the LTHTR MS cohort & impact on treatment decisions; utility of Moca in assessment of cognition in MS
Winner: Dr Claire Gall, Consultant Neurologist, Royal Preston Hospital - Imaging in MS and suspected MS at Barnet Hospital
Runner up: Dr Poneh Adib-Samii, Consultant Neurologist, Croydon University Hospital
MasterClass 4
- Acupuncture Treatment in People with MS related pain
Winner: Daisy Cam, Royal Hallamshire Hospital Sheffield - Evaluation of the number of PPMS patients potentially suitable for Ocrelizumab in a tertiary referral centre
Runner up: Dr Karen Chung, Consultant Neurologist, UCLH - Unmet needs of people with Multiple sclerosis
Runner up: Dr Sivaraman Nair, Consultant Neurologist, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
MasterClass 3
- Impact of a pharmacy-led prescribing service on the monitoring of natalizumab patients
Winner: Rachel Dorsey-Campbell, Senior Lead Pharmacist, Neurosciences, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust - JCV in Jersey
Runner up: Dr Jessica Vaz, Associate Specialist, Jersey General Hospital
MasterClass 2
- Epidemiology of MS in the Highlands: Prevalence, incidence and time to get a proper diagnosis and start DMT
Winner: Dr Francisco Javier Carod Artal, Consultant Neurologist, Department of Neurology, Raigmore Hospital - Listeriosis prevention in alemtuzumab treated patients
Runner up: Dr Rachelle Shafei, Clinical Research Fellow, University College London
MasterClass 1
- Audit of MS relapse management in a district general hospital setting
Winner: Dr Ferghal McVerry, Consultant Neurologist, Altnagelvin Hospital - Safe prescribing of Alemtuzumab in a district general hospital: Sunderland vs Newcastle
Runner up: Dr Gemma Maxwell, Sunderland Royal Hospital - An analysis of admissions of people with MS and comparison with the Parkinson’s service
Runners up: Dr Lucy Strens, Dr Andrea Lindahl & Dr Lara Teare